> 文章列表 > 中国的元宵节怎么过的英语




Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the Lunar Calendar. It is a joyful occasion when people come together to enjoy various activities and customs.

During the Lantern Festival, one popular tradition is to admire and appreciate lanterns of different shapes and sizes. These lanterns are beautifully decorated and can be found hanging on streets, in parks, and even in people\'s homes. The Lantern Festival is also known for its stunning lantern displays, which showcase intricate designs and vibrant colors.

Another significant element of the Lantern Festival is the consumption of yuanxiao, which are sweet glutinous rice dumplings. These dumplings are made with a variety of fillings, such as sesame paste, red bean paste, and sweet taro. Eating yuanxiao symbolizes family unity and good luck for the coming year.

In addition to lanterns and yuanxiao, the Lantern Festival is a time for various cultural performances and activities. Traditional lion and dragon dances are performed to bring luck and prosperity. There are also parades, fireworks, and lantern riddle games, where participants try to solve clever riddles written on lanterns.

Overall, the Lantern Festival is a festive and joyous celebration that brings people together to embrace Chinese traditions and customs. It is a time of happiness, reunion, and cultural exchange.


The Lantern Festival is the English translation for 元宵节. It is a traditional Chinese festival that holds great cultural significance. In ancient times, the Lantern Festival was not only a time for celebration but also known for its romantic ambiance. The festival creates a magical atmosphere with the beautiful lanterns illuminating the night sky. It is a perfect occasion for couples to enjoy a romantic evening together.




The English translation for 元宵节 is \"The Lantern Festival\". It is a widely celebrated festival in China that attracts people from all over the country. This festival is filled with joy and excitement. The Lantern Festival is a time to enjoy the beautiful lantern displays, indulge in delicious yuanxiao, and participate in various cultural activities. It is a festival that brings people together to celebrate Chinese traditions and create lasting memories.


春节 is translated as \"Spring Festival\". 元宵节 is translated as \"Lantern Festival\". We should use the original Chinese names for all Chinese festivals as they reflect the unique cultural heritage of China. Translating them into English may lose some of their cultural significance and authenticity. Therefore, it is best to use the original Chinese names when referring to these festivals.


春节: Spring Festival

元宵节: Lantern Festival

清明节: Qingming Festival

端午节: Dragon Boat Festival

七夕节: Double Seventh Festival

中秋节: Mid-Autumn Festival


China celebrates the Lantern Festival in all provinces, making it a significant traditional festival in Chinese culture. It is celebrated nationwide, so people from all regions come together to enjoy this festive occasion. One of the customs during the Lantern Festival is the tradition of eating Yuanxiao. This tradition is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and is observed by people of all ages. The Lantern Festival is a wonderful opportunity for people to experience the rich cultural heritage of China and enjoy the festivities with their loved ones.


吃元宵: eating sweet dumplings

闹花灯: lantern show, lantern festival

放鞭炮: setting off firecrackers

猜灯谜: Guess riddles written on lanterns

The Lantern Festival is filled with various customs and traditions. One of the most cherished customs is eating sweet dumplings called yuanxiao. During the festival, people also enjoy vibrant lantern shows and festivals. The sound of firecrackers fills the air, adding excitement to the celebrations. Another popular activity during the Lantern Festival is guessing riddles written on lanterns, which requires wit and creativity. These customs make the Lantern Festival a lively and engaging event for everyone to enjoy.


We use \"at\" for these festivals. In English, the preposition \"at\" is commonly used with specific events or occasions. Therefore, it is grammatically correct to say \"at the Dragon Boat Festival,\" \"at the Lantern Festival,\" and \"at the Mid-Autumn Festival.\" Using \"at\" emphasizes the specific time and place where these festivals take place.



  • 4 1/2 cups (500 g) sticky rice flour
  • butter
  • 7 oz (200 g) black sesame powder
  • 7 oz (200 g) red bean paste
  • 7 oz (200 g) sweet taro


  1. Mix the sticky rice flour with water to form a smooth dough.
  2. Shape the dough into small balls and make a hollow in the center.
  3. Fill each ball with a desired filling, such as black sesame powder, red bean paste, or sweet taro.
  4. Seal the balls and cook them in boiling water until they float to the surface.
  5. Remove the cooked dumplings from the water and serve them hot.

Making sticky rice dumplings, or Tangyuan, is not only a culinary process but also an art form. The combination of the chewy texture of the sticky rice flour and the sweet, flavorful fillings creates a delightful treat that is enjoyed during the Lantern Festival. The process of making Tangyuan requires precision and patience to ensure the perfect consistency and taste. By following these steps, you can create delicious and authentic Tangyuan to celebrate the Lantern Festival.